Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Class is almost done.

I found a lot of lesson plans that I might have to use because there are a few activities that I liked better then the one that I was coming up with. Although since I like my lesson plan it will also be part of the unit lesson. Oh Sorry, Dr Lungo, I did not post my five questions. Can someone tell me the title of the book? Do you know what the person who writes the book is called? How many basic colors did White Rabbit use before mixing the colors? What was White Rabbit's favorite color at the end of the book? I also started typing up my lesson plan for this class and coming up with more ideas to have as an activities. I am glad that even though I woke up late I made on time to class. Oh I can't wait until we team teach our lesson plan. =0]

Pre-Post 9/29/09

I am not sure what I'm going to do. However, now I remember what I was suppose to do this weekend and didn't. I was suppose to record my podcast again at home. So I'm going to write that down. Enough about what I am did not do now to what I'm going to do. For today, I want to look in to better lesson plans then the one that I already made up. My partner and I are going to team teach our lesson plan. My five questions are already done and ready to go. I wonder did I write them in my other post? I guess I have to look at that at other blog.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Ending a the Day

My computer was slow and it sometimes froze. I took a few minutes until it finally worked. I tried to record my half of the story and for some reason you couldn't hear it. So I gave up and decided to finish it up in my room. I decided that because in my room there would no background noise. Plus, I think it would be a good idea to do it in my room because I can familiarize myself with my computer at home. So now I would know how the school's computer work but I would also know how mine works as well. My partner and I have our five questions already picked althought we probably are going to switch a few around.The room wasn't as hot so I didn't feel the heat. At the end of class, I decided to practice my reading skills with Nae by reading to her. I read, A Guest Is a Guest by John Himmelman.

What is going to take place today...

I think that today will be a smoother ride in class. Honestly, after the second time I got the hang of the podomatic website. It's very easy to use and you can use anywhere. I loved these couple of days of class for the reason that it was just lectures. Instead it was a mixture of letures and hands on. Not that many classes are like this where you can do the activity that is being taught. I'm a student that learns better with hands on activities and something like this is always going to stick with me.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I think it was a easier this time because we didn't really have to wait to do anywork. We just dove in and got to the point. I messed up just like always. The breaking up of the book in 2 was better well in my opinon then changing from partner to partner. Just like the book we broke it in half there are two one for the beginning and one for the end. I enjoyed working in todays class. I think we should do one more recording before the final is posted.

Pre-Recording Blog

I think this would be fun...I already know I'm going to be the first one to probably mess up. I think bringing this type of technology into the classroom is the best. We are all trying something new at least I am. Now I can use pod casting whenever I want to for either my own classroom or even lesson plans in my class. I don't like the fact I have to record my voice because I don't really like my voice..I sound like a 10 year old..lol Ok I am so done. Oh yea the plans is to Kat will read the first 15 pages and read the rest. Yep. I want to go to sleep.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Podomatic introduction

I think it's a fun idea. Hi welcome to our podcast. My name is Alejandra and my Partner is Kat. We are going to be reading White Rabbit's Coloring Book. I hope you enjoy our pod casting skills. The link connects to our podcast. http://ahuertas.podomatic.com/entry/2009-09-18T07_27_21-07_00. Now that the lights are off I want to go to sleep. I am so drowsy thanks to the benedryl I took because of an allergic reaction. But yea this room is too hot. Besides all that I thought this was an interesting experience.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

What I know..... :-/

I really don't know that much about Podcasting. I know how to see videos on youtube, download music, and that's all. I would love to learn as much I could since we are in time where technology is big component of life. I think in a classroom environment it will reach out to other student who may have not been interested before. I am not quite sure although maybe teachers would use it too much and the children would get bored of it?